Joined: Sep 19, 2011
Topics: 37 / Replies: 86
Design Feedback

Gabriel, Personally, I much prefer a downward sloping handle, as in the top version. I feel that it offers better grip and use characteristics, b...

12 years ago
Fisher Anvils - Help Identifying

Here are the promised photos and rubbings. I can now clearly see that the date is 1940, and the 10 or 70 is a 70, which is the weight. I guess th...

12 years ago
Fisher Anvils - Help Identifying

HAH! Ok, that's pretty funny. I'll post photos a little later today. I want good daylight, and I also thought it would be smart to take some rubbi...

12 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 45576
Forge Selection

Interesting. Thanks for adding your input, Ed! Zack

12 years ago
Forge Selection

FYI, in the course of my research, I've concluded that my friend must simply have his Chile forge set up incorrectly. They really seem like the best g...

12 years ago
Darren Ellis Forge - Anybody Know Anything?

Yeah, that's where I came across them. I'd never heard of them before. Just wondering if anybody's got much time on one. Thanks, Zack

12 years ago
Tools & Equipment Sources

Thanks Josh! I'll check into those. Luckily, I'm married to a pro photographer. Zack

12 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 3242
Knife Shop Layout - Topic For October 2012

Steve, terrific idea for a monthly topic--and very, VERY timely for me. I am in the process of building a workshop, so I'll be very keen on all t...

12 years ago
Damascus Twist Pattern

It's hard to answer that without knowing a little more about your setup and approach, but: 1) One of the most important things on a twist is that...

12 years ago
Master Smith Rob Hudson In The Hospital

Oh man! Tough stretch for Rob! So I live about ahalf-hour from Hanover--been visiting Rob every couple months or so. Do you have any inf...

12 years ago
Journeyman Smith Testing Rule Change For Presentation Knives

I agree with the length requirement. I'm less keen on the hardware requirement. Qualitatively speaking, I feel that the presentation set should ...

12 years ago
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