Tom Dunn
Joined: Aug 4, 2010
Topics: 1 / Replies: 25
Kerosene Vs Flux ?

OK Mace or Steve this is great to hear. Do you dunk the billet, or spritz it or what, if you don't mind me asking? Thanks. Tom

13 years ago
Powdered Steel?

Jeremy, Dale is right. It is for mosaic damascus. I don't think it is better than bar but it's the fact you can do different things with it. The bes...

13 years ago
Portable Rockwell Tester?

Danny, I only have experience with the desk top type also. They are tried and true. I was very close to purchasing a portable type but I could not g...

13 years ago
Looking For My First Belt Grinder

Hey Zac, Do you have the 50.00 knife makers book? Hope so. Bottom line, keep trying, keep asking for help and advice, and keep making those knives. ...

13 years ago
Shop Heat

Ed, I agree with Lin. Separating work you could tolerate in the cold and heat only a smaller area works great for us cold weather makers if you coul...

13 years ago
Discussion On Quenching Techniques

Kevin, I have seen 52100 quenched in water and only imersed long enough (seconds) to get past the time temperature curve to the martensite start the...

13 years ago
More On Anvils

Thanks everyone for the info. And Steve, there can never be enough info. Thanks again. I'll look around for supplies and give it a try. T.

13 years ago
More On Anvils

Thanks Steve. Thanks Paul. Anything helps!. T.

13 years ago
13 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 9696
Va Lists Mastersmith Caffrey Shop As Vocational Rehab Training Site

Ditto that Ed! We're proud of those guys and we're proud of you for stepping up. T.

14 years ago
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