Terry L. Vandeventer
Joined: May 17, 2010
Topics: 1 / Replies: 7
Forge Welding Vs Weather?

Today my press seized and squished a billet nearly in half. But that's another story. Ha ha. I live in Mississippi where it is hot, humid, an...

10 years ago
Replies: 27
Views: 11905
Usa - Total Ivory Ban Proposal

Has anybody heard anything yet? There doesn't seem to be much excitement about this among smiths and collectors. How many of you have sent your lett...

11 years ago
Usa - Total Ivory Ban Proposal

The CKCA has a letter that can be cut and pasted and sent directly to the advisory committee. Everyone should do this and if you wish, you can change...

11 years ago
2013 Fall Piney Woods Hammer-In

Terry Vandeventer here, and I'm honored to be presenting a couple of seminars at the upcoming Fall Piney Woods Hammer-in. For those who don't know me...

12 years ago
Knife Handle Materials

I guess I'm not too different from others posting here. My favorites are Wooly Mammoth ivory, ancient Walrus ivory, Sambar Stag, Desert Ironwood, and ...

14 years ago
Chatoyance In Damascus

Depending on the effect you are going for, damascus can be finished in different ways. Most makers go for the most contrasting "black & white" by et...

15 years ago
Blade Style For Test Knives

I agree with Lin and Mike. There is too much philosophy being thrown around and I think some folks tend to over-think things. This is all pretty sim...

15 years ago