Chris Duda
Apprentice Bladesmith (5yr)
Active Member
Joined: Apr 29, 2021
Last seen: Apr 7, 2024
Topics: 2 / Replies: 6
RE: Heat loss between kiln and quench

Having your quench tank to the side of the forge takes it away from directed heat coming out of the forge. As for the radiant heat from the sides sh...

12 months ago
RE: Chef knife leather

You can make a pouch type sheath. Not sure if that’s the correct term. But you more or less tape the blade up. Then wet the the leather and press it t...

4 years ago
RE: JS Test question

Not that I’m anyone. You can take your performance test after 2 years of apprenticeship. And “IF” you have completed the “Introduction to Bladesmithin...

4 years ago
RE: Western meat cleaver

@joshua-c-states Actually that’s preheat-treat in the picture. I was grinding of scale when I noticed it. so I take it that makes it worse lol. previo...

4 years ago
RE: Western meat cleaver

@krcashenabs if I overheat it. Do I let it cool to the 1800 before forging? Or do I need to normalize or stress relieve, before forging? I don’t gener...

4 years ago
RE: Western meat cleaver

I don’t have either of those steels on hand in dimensions that I’d be comfortable trying to forge a cleaver from. The O1 was what I had on hand in dim...

4 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 901