Robert Wright
Robert Wright
Joined: Oct 23, 2012
Topics: 18 / Replies: 407
Videos- Tomahawk, Brut De Forge And Viking Sword

Matthew, Very interesting and I enjoyed watching your work! Bob

11 years ago
Linseed Oil

You might want to go over and check out the September 2013 Topic of the Month thread. Lots of good info and quenching information. Types of oils to ...

11 years ago
2 Hp Or 3 Hp For Kmg

Running 2hp on 110 only cuts it back to 1.5hp. Not much loss, but you might see a difference if the motor was less than 2hp. The 220 allows you to t...

11 years ago
2 Hp Or 3 Hp For Kmg

I am quite satisfied with my 2hp on 220. Rarely run it over 70%. Definitely go with 220. Bob

11 years ago
Global Warming?

Mike, My feelings exactly! So ready for warm weather. Best, Bob

11 years ago
False Edge ?

Good recommendation Steve! I made mine to go from 0°-90°. I had to adjust the slot length and placement of the angle iron so that the work rest...

11 years ago
False Edge ?

Rob, You might want to check out the clip grinding attachment under jigs and fixtures on MS, Steve Culver's web page. Pretty simple to construct...

11 years ago
Award Winners At Arkansas Custom Knife Show

The show was really good. Finally got to put a face with the names, and saw some excellent knives! Congratulations to all the winners! ...

11 years ago
Wip You'd Like To See?

Nick, Whips on the various styles of guards. How to lay then out, grind and finish them would be most helpful! Thanks for offering to h...

11 years ago
Another Apprentice Passes Physical Requirements For Journeyman Stamp

Here's the blade that I used to pass the performance test. This is the same style that MS, Jim Crowell demonstrated at the Intro Class last year. Al...

11 years ago
Another Apprentice Passes Physical Requirements For Journeyman Stamp

Thanks Everyone! I was fun. II'll post a pic of the knife when I get back home. Bob

11 years ago
Guard Irritations...

Jason A room full of folks, including myself, had the same reaction. Like duh 🙂 Sometimes I think we make things to hard thinking we hav...

11 years ago
Guard Irritations...

Jeremy, A tip shared at the Fall Piney Woods Hammer-In: use your file guard to keep the slot square and even. The MS that shared this tip said ...

11 years ago
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