Jim, Next time heat your canola oil to about 130°. Also make sure not to overheat the choil area. It's real easy to create a stress riser by ...
Very Nice! Bob
Very nice Gary! Bob
Great looking knife John! Bob
Prayers for you both. Prayers for comfort, healing, and full recovery. Bob
Thanks Dan!
I started with a blacksmith course, and found it very helpful. Learning how to hold the hammer and swing it to move the steel is the first step. I t...
Welcome Elvis! Bob
Congratulations Jessie! Welcome to the brotherhood! Bob
Another beauty Lin! Bob
Very nice Dagger Gary! Bob
Prayers for the Cook family. Bob
Thank You Dan!
Adam, There is a group on FB called Anvils. There are some serious collectors in the group that can id it for you. They will want pictures and id...
Thanks for sharing, Matthew! Bob