Hi Scott, Welcome aboard! I spent some time on your website today and am very impressed with your work, knives and photography. Funny t...
Welcome aboard Mark! You won't find a more experienced group of folks willing to help anywhere on the net! Rick
Nice Lin! With insulation that is that effective, I'm not so sure that you need forced air. Can't wait to hear how well and quickly ...
Hey Lin... That sure looks like a winner to me. I've been wanting to build a vertical forge for a while now. Make sure to let us know how it wo...
Is there such a thing as "having a case of anvil envy"? I'll bet she's a dream to work on. Looks like it has nice crisp edges and a flat face. ...
Hey Geoff... Sorry to hear about your accident! I have had that same injury (broken right collar bone). Mine was broken in a collisio...
Here's a new thought for the thread... I was told that the edge for JS testing is "OK" if ground on but a convex edge that is included in the bla...
And I heard he only used the nail polish on his toenails... go fugure!
Nice knife Bruce! That's some beautiful Damascus. Is that masking tape on the top photo to protect the bushing area during the etching process? ...
Thanks for posting this Dan! I haven't made a tomahawk yet. I can't wait to try it out. Make sure that Butch knows his contribution is ap...
I look forward to seeing the knives with great anticipation. Congratulations to All! Rick
My condolences to Charles and his family. I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. Rick Baum
Congratulations All! Any pic's of the knives that these Ladies/Gents submitted? Rick
Any pic's of the award winning knives?
I've not seen anything like that myself... yet. However, looking at the patternation/spots, I'm wondering what temp your quench medium was at and if ...