Ed, If you're like me, on a budget, you may want to make your own. I made this one in a short amount of time. All it took was a trip to Lowes f...
Thanks a bunch Kevin! Every little bit of info and or suggestion is invaluable for any of us that have the ability to learn from others experienc...
Thanks for posting Kevin! Can you give us some ideas of what was pointed out that needed to be fixed or changed? Don't worry about it if you...
I look forward to hearing what you come up with Ed. I'm going to do something similar to what you are doing. Maybe we can compare notes when we're do...
Congratulations to Burt! At the risk of sounding ignorant, which I am , what was the criteria of the contest?
Bump... Hopefully Kevin will see this and contribute with some of his experiences, if any, that pertain to what Ed noticed during his multiple no...
So now, after Ed's last post, I have a second question and maybe it can't even be answered, but, Ed mentions the splotchy appearance of the blade as i...
"you have made enough body centered stacked crystals for the atomic electron spin to restore ferro-magnetism" Wow! Now that's a mouth full.....
Hi Josh, I had plans to test in Atlanta this year but I got too many orders for other knives and it got in the way of my presentation knives. Def...
Good stuff guys! I never really gave much thought to parallelism before. I'm glad that you brought it up Steve. It wasn't until today that ...
Looks great Dennis... Nice work!
So who's this Fisk guy? I like his engraving, but can he make a knife? Welcome aboard Jerry!
I feel that I have a very long way to go, but there have been a lot of good comments in this thread that I feel I can add to. A long time ago (...
[quote name='Allen Newberry' date='17 February 2011 - 08:34 AM' timestamp='1297956874' post='1203'] Thanks! I just try to be constantly learning...
Nice looking knives Allen. I really like the wire inlay. Your work is definitely inspiring. Keep up the nice work! Rick