Rick Baum
Rick Baum
Joined: Mar 12, 2010
Topics: 7 / Replies: 141
Impala Horn

Paul, I haven't used any impala horn but I have made two knives using gemsbok horn. The first knife had a hidden tang with the handle being very...

13 years ago
Reputation Points

Thanks Dan! I think your right right on the money regarding your useful information thought.

13 years ago
My First Knife Show

Jeremy, I too enjoyed the show. I was too rushed to meet everyone that I wanted to but then again I met a lot of great folks that I didn't know ...

13 years ago
Fit And Finish - October 2011

I have been away from a computer for a while so I apologize that it has taken me so long to respond. Brian, I really like the simplistic approac...

13 years ago
Fit And Finish - October 2011

Great topic Dan! One that I hope we can get a lot of discussion going. The best tip I can give, based on personal experience, is to have a M...

13 years ago
Mirror Finsh

You're welcome Dana. i just hope my suggestions end up helping you out. In my experience, a wheel rake will only brake up the hardened buffing c...

14 years ago
Mirror Finsh

Dana, 2000 grit should be more than adequate to start the buffing process. It can be done with more aggressive compound and heavier grit paper b...

14 years ago
How Did You Get Started In Knifemaking? - August 2011

My story can be boiled down to just a couple of sentences... Even though I wanted one, I was too cheap to buy a custom knife. So, I decided to...

14 years ago
Passing Of Master Smith Bill Fiorini

Rest in peace Bill. Our thoughts and prayers to your family and friends!

14 years ago
New Member Introductions 2011

Welcome aboard Dana... There is a wealth of knowledge here, not to mention some pretty patient guys (they put up with me regularly). It looks like yo...

14 years ago
Marking Test Knives?

Ed, As I re-read your comments, another question comes up. You mentioned that it's not just about how my knives are presented but how I present ...

14 years ago
Marking Test Knives?

Thanks Brion and Ed... That's great feedback for all of us that are hoping to jury knives one day! Hopefully someone besides me will benefit from...

14 years ago
Marking Test Knives?

Thanks Brion... I figured as much but thought I'd play Devil's Advocate for everyone's benefit. Knowledge is power, or in this case, possibly the dif...

14 years ago
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