Looks nice David! How did you form the guard.. Cast or carved? Also, I like the sheath. is that your work as well? Keep up the good...
Hey George... Just checking in to see if you've been able to make any progress on the build. I'm anxious to see how it turns out and performs. ...
Dan, A while ago, before you posted above, I called Cindy and left her a message regarding this thread and the interest in a window decal. She l...
Let's kill two birds with one stone... How about putting the fluted, wire-wrapped handle on a damascus quillon dagger? This way we get one of yo...
Bill, I don't know how I missed this thread but I'm glad I saw it today. I too have been thinking that a window decal would be good advertising ...
Thanks Dave! Good to know for future shop plans.
Jim, What a beautiful knife. Thank you for the WIP! I was able learn many new things...Thank you! How was the knife received at th...
Very interesting thread. Thank you for starting it Steve and thank you to all who are contributing so far. I have what may seem like a silly que...
Welcome aboard Nick. Good to have you around. I look forward to your posts and especially your WIPS. Based on the way things go on this beach, I do...
Thanks for posting Zack! Being an aspiring JS, i like to see what is passing and it's no wonder yours did... They are beautiful. Rick
From what I can see it looks like a nice machine and a pretty big bang for your buck. If you can increase the picture size to show more detail I'd li...
One of my favorite haunts is Freshman's. It's a jewelry store and supply house. They have a good assortment of abrasives, tools, casting supplies, me...
Congratulations All!
Danny, I personally don't have any experience with the portable units so I can't be of much help, and I suspect that the folks that do have the k...
No problem Paul... post some pictures when you're done.