Thanks Brian and Dan! Dan, I look forward to your article. Rick
Dan, Thanks for sharing with us. It's always great to have first hand knowledge guiding the way and I appreciate your willingness to share your e...
Nick, I don't think that you threw the thread off topic... I was by pursuing an entirely new line of questions. I was thinking of asking my ...
Jason, I share your pain. I've done several knives with copper guards and, to me, the stuff is "gummy" to work with. Personally, I think it mig...
Michael, I'm not too familiar with Texas geography so I thought I'd ask if you've looked through the lists of Journeyman and Master smiths here o...
Justin, Thank you for the post... I went back into the thread and found what you mentioned regarding Nick's processes. I don't know how I missed...
Nick, I hate to ask because I feel it's side-tracking the thread and taking away from Justin's work... But, I'm fascinated with the clay-less ham...
Justin, I like your knife a lot. I think the hamon is fantastic... especially, like Nick said, it's difficult to capture all that's going on in a st...
Welcome aboard Dwane! Good to have you. About 9 years ago, I lived in Tucson AZ. I called and spoke with Tai one day and he invited me out ...
Steve, You've gotten some great advice from everyone so far. About the only thing that I can offer is a link to our own Kevin Cashen's 1084 heat...
Hey Ed... Hope all is well! In regards to your question, I'm not a JS or MS yet but I have made and tested my performance blade which did pa...
George, Thanks for posting the pic's. It looks to be a pretty nice machine and, again, a pretty big bang for the buck. I have to respectful...
I always wanted a GRS graver... Thanks for reminding why! If you ever carve another one... Please make a WIP out of it for us. I for one w...
Thanks Dan... I'm glad I didn't get things crossed up for everyone. It sounds like the ABS already has a window decal designed and previously pro...
Nice lookin' knife Nick! I too like the way the handle and blade materials work together. You were right about the chatoyance, The CF almost ha...