Rick Baum
Rick Baum
Joined: Mar 12, 2010
Topics: 7 / Replies: 141
Announcement: Moran Award Requirements For 2012

Eric, Do you have a photo of the winning knife that you could post here? I'd like to see it if you do. Rick

13 years ago
Ms Dagger Question

If I can throw in an observation and suggestion, I'd like to do so with the understanding that I think everyone is doing a great job and the suggestio...

13 years ago
Knife Sharpening - Topic For May 2012

I pretty much follow the same method as you Brion. I take my hunters down to .015 - .020 and choppers to the same .025 before putting the convex edge...

13 years ago

Welcome aboard Michael! I'm sure you're already figuring it out but you won't find a more talented, helpful, knowledgeable and rock solid bun...

13 years ago
Bladesmithing In Romania

Hey Mike... I've been searching online to see if I could find anyone for you. The only person that I've come up with so far is this guy. His websit...

13 years ago
Norman Tornado

Glad you guys are OK! Take care!

13 years ago
Cigar Cutter

Thomas, that's awesome. I want one just to look at. Nice work! Rick

13 years ago
Videos Of Makers Of Atlanta Auction Knives

Karl and Jon... Thank you for donating your materials, time, talent and effort. Those are some beautiful knives! I'm sure that they will be...

13 years ago
Brand New To Abs

Welcome aboard Eric.

13 years ago
Russell Roosevelt Passed Journeyman Performance Test

Congratulations Russell! Fun stuff isn't it? Now for the five... (or six) Rick

13 years ago
Disc Grinder--Total Rookie Question

Disk Sander Here's some examples of the two types of disc sanding/grinding tools that I am familiar with. As Dwane stated, the disc sand...

13 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 473
Wip- Integral Hunter- Ray Kirk, Mastersmith

Thanks for posting Gary! I think you're right in that he probably makes it look easier than it really is. It sure seems that pressing the s...

13 years ago
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