Joined: Nov 15, 2011
Topics: 6 / Replies: 57
Wip Damascus Dagger.

Thank you Joshua! I hope I can recover my old photos and put them back in the subject. jean-louis

6 years ago
Wip Damascus Dagger.

.... ----, I'm so bad with a computer that I can not cancel my message with a picture that does not show up. In addition, trying to cancel I put m...

6 years ago
Wip Damascus Dagger.

Thank you very much Joshua and Gilbert. I go to see this and I hope I can post here again. Jean-louis

6 years ago
Wip Damascus Dagger.

Hello everybody, I see that I lost the picture on the forum. I'm sorry, I have a problem with my hosting photo. I'm very bad with a computer. Some...

6 years ago
Intermediate Forging? 3Rd Example Posted

Hoooowww!!!! Very nice Lin, thank you! 🙂 jean-louis

8 years ago
Forging An S Guard

Beautiful work Lin! Thank you for sharing. 🙂 jean-louis

8 years ago
"x Rhea" By Jean-Louis

Thank you very much Lin for your words! this is a very good exercise to forge that puts things in their place and, therefore, allows progress an...

9 years ago
"x Rhea" By Jean-Louis

After... .......After the heat treatment... I'm Happy!!! 🙂 Thank you very much Lin!...

9 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 4224
Take Down Bowie

Thank you! .I hope the video will help people who want to initiated into this design bowie! 🙂

9 years ago
9 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 7812
Wip Damascus Dagger.

Thank you Dan, and thank you Joshua. For the alignment the pommel is screwed, sanded gently on a marble until the lock is in good place!

9 years ago
Belt Axe Forged In The Old Way -Wip

Very good wip Lin, thank you! 🙂

9 years ago
Wip Damascus Dagger.

I hope from my heart have helped Lin! Finish..... Blade Neuronal Damascus 13" Handel warthog ivory and silver wire inlay. Guard and po...

9 years ago
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