Last seen: Mar 4, 2025
Jaymes Stevens, I think any articles talking to Neels Van Den Berg about how he approaches the problem would be awesome. If there is any other MS th...
Hey Jaymes Stevens, I see you are typing in as new, but your title says JS 5yr, are you just coming back after a break or brand new?
Devan Mills, Welcome Sir, I am honest I am a little jealous of where you are at in the stage of life. I am still in the young kids tunnel so I only ...
Aaron Pakinas, Welcome! Also post some shop walkthrough shots. I know I love seeing what people are doing to solve ergonomic and process issues. Jos...
Joshua C States ..... um.... Awesome man! Did you use a power hammer or do it by hand? if you did that by hand I will be seriously impressed!
Joshua C States, Hey I can absolutely understand that the amount of wealth in information we have access to is truly almost unlimited. With youtube,...
TAO WU, Ohayou gozaimasu, I am sure one of the ABS folks on the contacts page will be able to help you: ( I have reached out to Brion Tomberlin befo...
Wendell Bryenton, This build is simply insane. I still don't understand how you get the build to not slide off itself while forging.
Edgaredmanuel Troche, Welcome, honestly you will be happy you made the move. Everyone in this craft is about as good in heart as it gets. I wish...
Gregory Cumbee, This type of question is the one I have taken the most criticism for. "What is the perfect___" or "What is the best overal____". The...
Kevin Stinson, Since you have left the garage I think it will come down to a question of disposable income / disposable time. If you have enough dis...
Bobby Best, I like that advice, I currently have a Vevor 134lbs anvil from Home Depo, and I just don't use the horn so much that I justify getting a...
Bill May, The answer to that question comes down to Your: Budget, Circumstance, Desires. The short answer is yes lasers work great, I have taken som...
Wendell Bryenton, Bob, this build is incredible!!
Bobby Best, One of Kyle Royer's Videos on the JS knife make up he mentions using a 550 cord handle. I believe it is not against the rules and it is ...