Mike Williams
Mike Williams
Joined: Feb 23, 2010
Topics: 21 / Replies: 242
5 Js Judging Knives

James; I think a full tang knife; done well; would be fine. I would want a full tang knife to have a nice taper on the tang; also as the other guys ...

7 years ago
2021 Texarkana College - Moran School Of Bladesmithing

Gary; The last report I have is that the first three classes are full. As Brion said; get with Vickie on some of the others. M

7 years ago
Journeyman Performance Test

Any time Anthony; good work!!!

7 years ago
Plunge Lines

Anthony; your question of is it ok or acceptable is kind of open ended. While the knife is just fine as a knife; it would not be advisable to have one...

7 years ago
Coffee Etching

For me; I get no etch but I do get a nice color on my etched blade. Instant coffee about four times stronger than I drink; boiling hot. Soak bla...

7 years ago
Fall Piney Woods Hammer-In 2017

I want to thank everyone that attended the Fall Hammer-In. Weather was great, the demo's were spot on; and we had a very good turnout. You folks...

7 years ago

I have a bunch of different brands and kinds of files. The only brand that I have that I recommend is the Grobet. Cuts great;long lasting. I have...

7 years ago
2019 Spring The Piney Woods

Brion; If that knife was to wander off somewhere Sat. morning; no need to look in my truck; it's not there!!

7 years ago
2019 Spring The Piney Woods

The Fall Piney Woods is this weekend; seems like just the other day we did the spring. The weather is supposed to be great, a nice cool spell after...

7 years ago
Bladesmithing Myths!

Three or five or seven heat treat cycles to get the real stuff out of the blade!

8 years ago
What Is Meant By Laminated

It "means" exactly what it says. Anything such as that will get you a return ticket. There are very good reasons for the rule. But, too much for me ...

8 years ago
Stabilized Wood & Staining

I think inhaling burning polymers would be a serious consideration.

8 years ago
Journeyman Smith Finishes

Geoff; If you are applying to the American Bladesmith Society for a rating stamp we want to see forged blades and hand finishes. Your personal l...

8 years ago
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