I had no idea I was a luddite. That's what happens when you do this for a while. 9260 or 5160. It is simple to heat treat. Forgiving in the qu...
[quote name='Stephen Calvert' date='30 December 2018 - 09:24 AM' timestamp='1546187084' post='23724'] Hello everyone, I'm considering a museum ...
Try this. Bring just the end of the tang up to heat and quench; maybe a little over heat, it is just the tang.. Carefully break off the last 1/4 to...
Evan; Brion is spot on. No Damascus; or maybe Damascus; on any part of the journeyman presentation knives. The reasons for this rule is long and co...
The blade performed very nicely; good knife, good skills, good work Mike!
Usually brion posts this about the hammer-in but he is already there teaching a intro class. For all the new folks that would like to; we usually g...
Weekend after next is the Piney Woods Fall Hammer-In. We have got some top notch guys demonstrating. The weather is supposed to be dry and COOLER than...
Grinding through the spine is going to get negative reviews from the panel. Shoulders and spine must be clean. Stay at it; if it was easy every...
Cindy has it right guys. Old Washington is the black hole on earth for cell phone signal. We won't; more than likely, be taking credit cards. S...
I use my well water. It has a very high mineral content. A 1 inch scratch? The real question is; is how deep is the scratch, not how long? You sand d...
Damascus? I take the blade to a clean 600 or so. Clean with acetone and then hot water and ivory liquid. Test by making a 30 second etch. Rub blade...
I use Brownells Acra-Glas. It is good. West Systems is held in high regard also. Buy one of those and forget about epoxy breakdown.
Call Riverside Machine in Dequeen AR. He always has them in stock. Save yourself a lot of wandering around in the big box stores. Mike
Not trying to sound rude; but those choices are a waste of your money. Spend the $200 on a 4 1/2 disc grinder and a few good files. Learn to...
The Spring Hammer-In is almost upon us! We have a great roster to cover every thing from the basics to very advanced knife making. Kenneth Wayn...