Always a great time at Old Washington. For all the smiths that can't get away for a week or two to attend classes it is a great opportunity to cram a ...
My good friend; make that my now ex good friend; J R Cook brought home enough awards that we had to rent a trailer to haul 'em back. Was a great sho...
Troney; I find that a huge bowie will be about 1 1/16 at the thickest part of the butt. With the handle contoured appropriately; much thinner at t...
Michael, You got sound advice from smiths that know what they are talking about. The judges for your js are knowledgable about all kinds of knives...
The fall Piney Woods Hammer-In is this sat. and sun. You smiths; ladies and gentlemen both, who are seriously interested in testing for a MS or JS...
I have been remiss in not posting this until now; but since it is his birthday, and he started the looooonnnnnnggggg downhill slide; Brion" Too Tall" ...
Excellent tutorial Jim!!!!! You make it so simple that anybody can do it. So much stuff,so little time; Mike
This cool weather we are having does help the shop work go smoother tho, don't it! You guys bringing two knives are kinda pushing us old guys. m...
Wow Daniel!!!! I don't know whether to wish they were filming me; or to be glad they were not. Sounds pretty tough. No AC in this s...
Brion; I am sure you realize by now what a mistake buying that monster was!! The sheer mass of it will draw the heat from your blades in t...
Mike; I find sooting in parts much cleaner and faster. The grease base , for me anyway; was a mess to to clean before blueing or etching. It stain...
Actually mine is an old medicine bottle with a 30-06 hull jammed in it. I use it for hard fitting knife and gun parts. I have never soot welded a thin...