Mike Williams
Mike Williams
Joined: Feb 23, 2010
Topics: 21 / Replies: 242
Fall Piney Woods Hammer-In

Kenny Rowe is going to be there too! Not only to get set-ups on sheaths for the knives we have ready; but to also answer any questions you have...

14 years ago
Fall Piney Woods Hammer-In

Ron; your demo sounds like something to get the juices flowing. I may have to kick somebody out of the way Sun. morning. As for myself; at 10 S...

14 years ago
How Did You Get Started In Knifemaking? - August 2011

I guess I started out like just about everybody else. I always had a knife in my pocket, everybody did. Boys or men, who did not carry a pocketknife w...

14 years ago
Master Smith Mike Williams Demonstrates Blade Grinding

I guess I will try this again. Kevin; those will work fine. Thanks for the link. I use grit corresponding to 400,800,1200 on my belts. A th...

14 years ago
National Cowboy And Western Heritage Museum, Part Ii

Brion; You did good. I was thinking of you Sat. morning; it was terrible hot. I was out in the shop at four that morning and it was all ready 85...

14 years ago
Master Smith Mike Williams Demonstrates Blade Grinding

I am truly sorry that to you good folks who were unfortunate enough to view that video. I can always have a place in the circus if bladesmithing ever ...

14 years ago
National Cowboy And Western Heritage Museum Abs Demo

Thanks Brion; for sharing with everyone. My intention was to post something up Mon. night but when we arrived home from OK City we found that our air ...

14 years ago
Soldering Stainless To Stainless?

Ethan; Soldering stainless has its problems. Some things for you to try to narrow down the problem. Use a small piece of each steel and put a ru...

14 years ago

Steve; Something that might be a consideration; back when I had a job that actually paid, we did a lot of thermal imaging. We had problems reading ...

14 years ago

Hi Russell; Yep; used it as soon as it came in. My welding forge was running too cool. In my infinite wisdom somewhere in the past I thought more g...

14 years ago

Hey Steve; I ordered one last week. I was having some weld issues so I just broke down and ordered one. Mine is from ThermoWorks out of Linden, ...

14 years ago
Dan Petersen And Mark Zalesky Elected To Board Of Directors

Congratulations to Dan and Mark!!! Two fine gentlemen for the ABS Board. Mike

14 years ago
Knife Handle Design

Every smith has their style, or at least their style preferences. One of the things that must be dealt with on handle design is: the more the desig...

14 years ago
Journeyman Smith Test Knives

Billy; I would be happy to give them a look. From Fri. night till Sun. afternoon we will have plenty of time to get together. Just get with me firs...

14 years ago
Introduction To Bladesmithing Class Questions

Anton; If you do get signed up for the Nov.-Dec. Intro class; myself with Brion Tomberlin assisting , J.R.Cook with Bill Wiggins assisting; will be ...

14 years ago
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