Mike Williams
Mike Williams
Joined: Feb 23, 2010
Topics: 21 / Replies: 242
Coloring Techniques For Steel - Topic For October 2013

coming in late here, but that is the story of my life. Hour late and a dollar short. About the only coloring I use is Oxnate 7 for a deep glossy bla...

11 years ago
2013 Fall Piney Woods Hammer-In

The Fall Piney Woods was last weekend. It was a really great one. Lots of attendees; lots of new guys and gals. The demo's were well recieved and so...

11 years ago
25 Lb Little Giant At Hammer In

hey Michael; I can set it out of the truck for you. I been working out!!!! See you guys there. Looks loke we are going to get a b...

11 years ago
2013 Fall Piney Woods Hammer-In

Hi everybody!! Been busy; but I want to join in inviting everyone to The Piney Woods Hammer-In. There will be excellent demo's. Some tru...

12 years ago
Viewpoints Of The Testing Judges

Ok; I'll try to start here . I guess somebody has to. I've been working on my wind blown barn since Blade. Old fat guys up on roofs ought to be ill...

12 years ago
Decorative Filework Techniques- Topic For June 2013

I don't do a lot of file work and it is pretty basic when I do. I cut a strip of 1/8 graph paper and glue it to the part being worked on. Then just fi...

12 years ago
2013 American Bladesmith Society Knife Auction - Atlanta Blade Show

A great set of knives. The guys who build and DONATE this knives sales to the ABS are to be commended. The maker gives his knife away!!!&#...

12 years ago
New Master And Journeyman Smiths In American Bladesmith Society

Congratulations to the new rated ABS smiths. It is a difficult road. Relax, take a breath and enjoy. Then; put your names in the hat for the drawing...

12 years ago
Cheating The Journeyman Smith?

I typed up a long post on this thread; then deleted it. SOME very good points made. I think that there is a lot of emotion concerning the Expo....

12 years ago
Moore, Oklahoma Tornado

It was a terrible storm. My daughter lives there. She had fled her apartment and went to stay with a friend. The brief cell call we had before her pho...

12 years ago
Heat Treat W Aluminum?

hey Mike; Oil is good. Look at the use of the blocks; I have been using copper ones for years; as a means of straightening some long slender blades...

12 years ago
Recip. Saw Blade Broaches

I am bringing mine to the handle and guards demo at the Piney Woods. Maybe some techie will take a picture. M

12 years ago
Name, Or Logo Marking Methods - Topic For April 2013

I etch also; mostly. I still stamp primtives and living history projects. I wanted a continuation of my work;so my etch looks exactly like my stamp. T...

12 years ago
New Design For American Bladesmith Society Youtube Channel

The simple reason for the ABS Forum excelling; Dan and Sally Cassidy! Just think about it? They make us....... look good. M

12 years ago
Master Dagger Question

Hey Tony; The guys have given you the pretty full picture. Something to think about though is this. Silver is high right now. There is probably an ...

12 years ago
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