A nice warm 16 deg. here this morning. The stout westerly wind brings it down below 0. The sleet and ice of yesterday just got a polish job. Al g...
Zach; Something that might help: after each grit on the grinder; give the blade a quick etch. This will color all the blade, even the bottoms of ...
Ed; A double blind test. Grind or hand sand an unforged bar clean to 320 or so on one end and look it over. Etch it lightly, look for the issues; c...
Jeremy; Before I got a mill I used a jewelers saw to cut my slot and then true with a file. For me this is faster and more precise than the "connec...
I built my H-type press some many years ago before having seen a press for knifemaking. If you build your own; make it have as narrow a frame, as shor...
I use my checkering file a LOT. But; if you don't have one, you can cut a strip out of 1/8" graph paper and glue it to the piece you want to file. Cut...
Looking nice Brion!! It will go great with stag. M
Cal; The standard is usually, but not always, most of the time, but not set in stone; a ricasso longer than it's height looks awkward. 3/4's of it...
I do it pretty much the same as Karl. 'Cept instead of manila folders I just open up a cereal box for each knife. The initial complete design is at th...
Kevin; quote" Merry Christmas..." I thought he was going to send out single malt and good cigars! Merry Christmas to all ya'll too!!&...
Steve; That is exactly my concern on dry welding. While the initial stack billet is very flat and by its nature keeps out most of the oxidizing a...
Kevin; I like your colors. Just what I was hoping for but did not acheive. Mine was dark blues with just a hint of bronze. Too subtle but would ...