From one Michael to another... Google search for "Refractories Dallas Texas". You'll find a local Harbison Walker refractory dealer (4585 Mint Wa...
Jerid, I'm sure you're happy with your new to you anvil. I have a 159 lb. Peter Wright that is also very clean. I love this anvil for flattening...
Welcome to the ABS and the forum Eric. With all of the helpful and knowledgeable folks on this board I'm glad to be here myself
The recognition is well deserved! Congratulations Dan, Sally, and everyone involved.
J, I have no experience with Wild Woods, but I found this on another forum. He is registered for a table at the BLADE Show, I hope the informatio...
I have a container full of white vinegar that I use, and it removes over 90% of the forge scale before I put the blade to the grinder.
Jason, Since Dee is an ABS JS here's a link to a WIP on a sword tempering furnace she built and posted elsewhere. I don't know if she has ever t...
Nick, +1 on what Rick said!
Welcome Nick!! At least you'll be adding a little higher grade sand than I do. I hope you share often on this forum, as I have benef...
Ezekiel, I don't have the personal experience to answer your questions, but you may find your answers in the topic of the month thread located he...
Congratulations Greg... You earned it!
Thanks for the good wishes Dale and Dan. I would also like to wish all the ABS members and their families a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Gary, Do you follow the directions exactly or have you learned a trick or two on how to apply it?