Mike Barton
Mike Barton
Joined: May 18, 2010
Topics: 2 / Replies: 52
Matthew Parkinson

Welcome Matthew! Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions please post them. If you care to share some of your knowledge plea...

12 years ago
Pics Of The New Shop

Zach, I've had tool envy pretty heavy before, bur you've just added SHOP ENVY to my list of bad feelings You've got to have one of the be...

12 years ago
Vertical Forge Build

Dan, I would really appreciate your doing a WIP on something I need to get up and do myself in the near future. Thank you in advance, ...

12 years ago
Optivisor Selection?

I have been using my original Optivisor with the number 5 lens for well over a decade. I was once loaned an off brand visor magnifier before I o...

12 years ago
Holiday Greetings

Merry Christmas to everyone and their families that has replied in this thread; and a Merry Christmas to all my fellow ABS members and their families ...

12 years ago
Jury Accepts Zack Jonas Into The League Of New Hampshire Craftsmen

Congratulations Zack! You'll be a fine representative of both the traditional and contemporary Bladesmith in the league.

12 years ago
Joel Worley Passed His Journeyman Smith Performance Test

Congratulations Joel, on the road taken so far. Good luck on the other half!

13 years ago
We Need American Made Abs Logo Ball Caps With Text Options

As this appears to be taking on the resemblance of a poll... I vote for an American Bladesmith Society cap that is MADE in The United States of A...

13 years ago
Heat Treating Oven

Welcome to the forums DW. I second what Brian has advised you to use for a starting point. You could also find a local blacksmith group by search...

13 years ago
Allen Newbery Passed His Journeyman Smith Performance Test

Congratulations Allen. +1 on Phil's request for more pictures of your test blade, it appears to have a unique blade shape.

13 years ago
Almost There

Ed, That set up looks like it will do for now. Your forge looks like the ceramic wool blanket has not been coated with any refractory in the...

13 years ago
New Journeyman Smiths At The 2012 Atlanta Blade Show

I wish each of the new Journeyman Smiths a well deserved congratulation. Thank you for your time and effort to keep the forged blade alive.

13 years ago

Has the sticker idea proved to be feasible?

13 years ago
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