The last two post by Andy Knipp and Travis Briles shows the willingness it's going to take to keep the mission of the ABS alive. Things like this are ...
Quote by Derrick Wulf: "In the early years of the American Bladesmith Society there was just a small handful of Mastersmiths and a fairly ti...
I have one of the Bosch's too and it a breeze to install. Run on 110v
Kevin Stinson quote: "so there was no way to know if your alternative works until you have a way to accurately judge hardnes...
Will these items be kept at the school to be checked out by the students and returned? It's a library so I assume yes. This great.
This is a great thread. There is a hierarchy as far as education about knives. The ABS is tops and indeed have set the standard. There are lots ...
That's a beautiful knife sir.
This is exciting! Cant wait to see what the future holds!
You're off to a fine start! Just keep it up refining each aspect and you'll get to a point where your eye and hand will be trained to work togethe...
Im sure it has to do with the rates of expansion and contraction of the steel in various states during it's cooling. All affected by the zones of carb...
That's great! It's like a visit again! Congratulations to the students! If anyone is thinking of attending the Heavin Forge School, P...
If you decide to harden it, just draw it back more than a blade. Mind you, I don't think it needs to be hard at all but if you do harden, draw it back...
Knowing the cause is a place to start. I'm so glad to hear you're getting a handle on it. We certainly look forward to you being back. Our best wishes...
Dustin, we're glad you are with us. Let us know what we can do to help.
Very interesting.