Lin Rhea
Lin Rhea
Joined: Feb 4, 2010
Topics: 85 / Replies: 1478
Grit Types

Kevin, You mentioned bone as a material you're using. It is relatively easy to grind, which is actually what you're doing. Not polishing. Abo...

8 years ago
More Sad News, Jimmie Buckner

That is indeed sad news. Jimmy was a fine gentleman and a fine knife maker. I am privileged to have gotten to visit with him on several occasions. Our...

8 years ago
8 years ago
Forge Finish Bowie

Thank you guys!

8 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 704
Hello From Idaho

Welcome to the forum Justin. We're glad to have you with us.

8 years ago
Bladesmithing Myths!

Gary, I saw that in a movie so it must be true! I have to second Matt's peeve. A full tang is stronger than hidden tang. That one makes me gr...

8 years ago
My First Damascus Blade In Progress - Low Layer Feather

If you managed to get a good weld, and it looks like you did, You are successful. Now build on that success. Study the patterns and techniques that yo...

8 years ago
Making Your Own Hammer: Heat Treatment And What Material Should I Use

Kevin, Do some research before you start. However, it is very doable and rewarding to make your own hammer head. If you're going to make on...

8 years ago
Enameling Of Fittings

You did a pretty good job of putting the technique into qwords. I understand much better now. I really appreciate your taking the time to share this w...

8 years ago
Enameling Of Fittings

Thanks for sharing this with us Dan. Here's a question. This applies to the guard and spacer because it has two sides, as opposed to the butt cap...

8 years ago
Moran Tribute

Very nice work Gary.

8 years ago
Hello From Nh

Welcome to the forum Mike. The New England boys have got a good thing going. Their hammer in is as good as any. Let us know what we can do to help you...

8 years ago
In Process Questions

Tim, A thing to consider while thinking of "the pin location and how many" is the handle material and whether it is a solid block or a split ...

8 years ago
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