Beautiful work Matt!
I look forward to seeing the book. I know you worked hard on this Jason.
Ya'll are ahead of me. I've had a few things come up. I'll be along soon. Good job guys!
Good job Matt!
I'm in. It might be a day or two before I can post pictures. I'll tell you what I like about this challenge. It steers our mind to consider limitin...
Hi John. Welcome to the forum.
This post of Kevin’s is possibly one of the best I’ve seen on this forum. Thank you Kevin.
Looks good. Good work Thomas.
I agree with the others. A fine job of planning as well as executing the project. A drawing really helps keep you on track. Very well done.
Welcome Pedro. I see that you are an accomplished knife maker. Excellent work sir! I look forward to meeting you in person.
Yes, slowing down the belt, using new belts, taking your time, etc. Anything to keep the pins from becoming hot enough to burn the wood. Also, c...
I like what I'm seeing Josh. You are heading in the right direction for sure. A couple things that might help you. In my opinion, your handles co...
Looks pretty dang good Jesse. It'll be interesting to see your work a year from now. Good job!
Quote : "This is why the ABS is so important to our craft, those who decide to go for a stamp quickly find out how “easy†it is to make knives pro...
The biggest advantage I have found in the full tang knife is in cost of production, and many people never consider this aspect, but it probably has th...