Last seen: Dec 4, 2024
Any suggestions for color without looking cheap?
I do understand your question bit I believe at that level the resistance that would affect the cutting would be extremely minimal. If you were to leav...
The pomel nut was made from a copper button brazed onto a nut.
Yes making a Viking Bowie was difficult. Trying to make a bowie follow a viking theme was diificult.When the customer asked for a viking theme I thoug...
I am in the same boat. I am making my first sword and can find very little about the process. I keep reading about areas of balance and different poin...
[quote name='devan mills' date='16 May 2013 - 05:23 PM' timestamp='1368743017' post='7322'] hey everyone, i keep reading articles where it is talkin...
I will look into that. Thanks
First you can just call me Kyle, secound I wish I was closer I would love to help you out. If you need anything let me know and I will help were I can...