Last seen: Nov 30, 2024
I just watched and Enjoyed the video and learned a lot i will be employing when i can get the tooling set up to make the stuff for this. You have give...
well, I figured I would share the finished Brute de Forge Used hot-cut Chisel. I did go for a Parks 50 oil quench instead of an interrupted water quen...
Sorry, qoates not working for me and this is a bit rambly. Dennis P Tingle: Thanks, that's how I hardened it, and I will keep that in mind and keep ...
Opps i forgot to uplode the picture here it is. IMG_3450.jpeg
Hmm...thanks to everyone who answered I have used a bit of everything from what you have shared. Now if i just knew how to price my knives, as that's ...
Ignore this part i forgot to subscribe to this topic.
Side note: I noticed two days ago when I went to water that the paper acts like wet paper something that does not happen with olive oil or canola oil.
THank you for the info however honestly I would not use degreaser for anything but cleaning a blade for treatmens as your brain is a gresse like subst...
Thanks, 👍 I have a fair understanding of heat treating i am getting ready for bed so i am going to read it in the morning, however, in this case, my q...
I have that and am wondering What do you have it set for? Is 3 steps too far? i currently don't own a kiln and HT with my forge and dont like the id...
PS: i forgot to subscrib so this is just to subscribe