Last seen: Nov 30, 2024
400 Is is 600 edge to spine, then 800 tip to tang, followed by at least rounds of etching, steel wool buff, and green buff compound, and I...
Thank you Mr. Andersen this should be fine as I have tested a similar blade with a different tip that was thicker that was a canidate, and it bent jus...
True i agree and i know how to do it thanks to a 2 day non abs class i took but it has more to do with the Hamon its just so close it feels like a cas...
Well, 220 grit spine-to-edge hand polish is finished next is 400. ...Those are not scratches near the ricasso... that's the reflection of my hand and ...
BRION TOMBERLIN: again, thank you for pointing that out. I have been thinking about it. I got one side cleaned to 220, traced the hamon, and did some...
Agreed although i have yet to sell something, I have given a few knives away.
BRION TOMBERLIN: PS sorry i forgot to say thank you for the tip.
BRION TOMBERLIN: (2/2) i have a very nice tapper and a fairly thin blade. It's not kitchen cutlery, nor is it buck knife thick. I used the width of th...
BRION TOMBERLIN: (1/2) The line is deceptive in the first picture. With my oil Parks 50 I dont agitate or heat the oil outside of winter with a clayed...
BRION TOMBERLIN: thank you yes, the weld was at the third pin-hole at the butt of the knife. I clayed the blade, so there is no point to draw back the...
ya this is me In my forge I just sweep the floor were i grind after I grind something flammable like sawdust...In my finishing bentch its every time i...
Steel 1075, 220 machine polish, grayed the tang to take out the temper because I would rather a tang bend like iron than break like glass. Now it is t...
Yes, and no, it's my most recent Finished work. I finished it on November 3rd, 2023, I had the blade heat-treated on August 16th, 2023. I have a few I...
It has been a long time since I posted a finished knife (this is not the one for my second attempt at journeymen) Blade steel: Hitachi blue from pop...