I do all of my business transactions under the umbrella of an LLC. I currently have two different companies, one for residential contracting/building ...
I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. If you would like to see any other demonstrations of what can be done with the press, let me know and I'll try and make ...
JJ I still loved your original attempt. That was awesome and we both should try that again sometime. I know it will work. For those of you who mi...
Thanks Lin. I think the guard is too long on the top side, but I was too lazy to grind it off and refinish it! There are 30 smiths entered, b...
This also begs the question, how cold is too cold?
[quote name='Evan Cihak' date='16 March 2016 - 06:00 PM' timestamp='1458176414' post='16424'] Thank you all so much, awesome information as usual...
Welcome Barry. Hopefully you can come to one of our AABA meets. (Arizona Artist Blacksmith Assoc.) It would be great to meet you F2F and introduce ...
I still use all of the above and I use my small wheel attachment. Every suggestion above is an arrow you need to have in your quiver of techniques. Oh...
Hmm, you do this pattern very differently from how I do it. More than one way to skin a racoon I guess. I am really interested to know what this will ...
[quote name='Steve Morley' date='25 February 2016 - 09:32 PM' timestamp='1456461131' post='16265'] Great info on san mai. Where does one purc...
[quote name='Scott Mindrebo' date='21 February 2016 - 02:11 PM' timestamp='1456089062' post='16240'] Steve thanks for your post. I can see that in t...
Well, I like that a lot Lin. It is very unique and has tremendous appeal potential, or at least I think so. About the turning fork idea, A while ...
I refer back to Karl's suggestion. Get some platen cushion and smooth it out. If you don't make your plunge cuts so dramatic to begin with, you will h...
That is true Matthew, but the challenge comes in making the bevels on the tang match the bevels on the scales perfectly so the pin holes remain straig...