I put mine together and sharpened the blade up. A few finished photos.
This one is ready for glue-up. I just have to decide whether to blue the blade or not. I also think I need to do something with t...
That pretty much checks all the boxes. The only thing I can comment on is not necessarily an improvement, but an aesthetic choice. You might have done...
Not that far from me in New River. I sent you some info in a PM.
Looking good Chris. Where in Phoenix are you?
I reworked the handle shape.
I did a little work on the handle yesterday and got the pieces roughed out and fit to the tang. After getting all the blind pins set I ca...
I seem to remember a story about Dee Hedges traveling from Australia to Atlanta with a suitcase of knives (including her JS presentation set). When sh...
It sounds like you have more thickness taper than you need. The profile taper is very sharp, so it changes much faster than the thickness taper should...
Steve, see if this as-forged picture helps
The angle of the bevel must change any time the edge makes a curve, if you want to maintain the edge thickness. With double edged blades, there are tw...
Gilbert McCann is currently building one. You might reach out to him about the cost vs. effort.
I finished the blade out, etched it, marked it, got the guard and spacer stock fitted. Then I made a preliminary design drawing.