Going for it Karl! Yeah man. I cannot wait to see the presentation set, but I will gladly wait until after the show. I cannot attend. We will b...
[quote name='AubreyHummer' date='14 May 2019 - 07:47 AM' timestamp='1557845254' post='24645'] What did I do in the shop today(last night)? An ...
A very solid product for a 4th knife. I really can see how you took some time with that and paid attention to the suggestions for tapering the tang. C...
Although I have never used either one, I still have an opinion from talking to a lot of makers who also etch. The consensus is that the device is not ...
[quote name='Gerald Boggs' date='13 May 2019 - 05:34 AM' timestamp='1557750878' post='24627'] Thanks for the mention, but not sure I should be place...
[quote name='Kevin R. Cashen' date='12 May 2019 - 07:12 AM' timestamp='1557670351' post='24621'] Journeyman testing is all about flawless execution ...
Matthew, old buddy! You must have made a bearded axe at some point along the way, haven't you?
[quote name='Barry Clodfelter' date='10 May 2019 - 04:50 AM' timestamp='1557489034' post='24616'] I used 20 Mule Team for a long time and never had ...
I do mostly fluxless welding these days, but when I used flux, I used this:br /> I still use it from time to time and have never had a failure, whet...
Here is my ribbon burner forge in an old water tank top. The pic is after I turned it off because the picture of it running was way too bright to capt...
[quote name='Lin Rhea' date='02 May 2019 - 05:23 AM' timestamp='1556799780' post='24584'] Joshua, Your willingness to show mistakes is...
I fitted a few knives with guards. Got three out of the four I was working on. I also forged out some 410 SS for the big Bowie. Thanks to...
Well, last week I took this (and the other 5 blades) over to Hancock's to get his feedback on the design drawings and the blade progress. He has me re...
Welcome aboard Matt. Your patterns are sweet! wish I could enlarge #3..... A keyhole is on my list of things to try someday. Yours looks like i...