Joshua States
Joshua States
Joined: Nov 22, 2010
Topics: 81 / Replies: 1076
Belt Speeds

Karl has the most of it already. I will add one thing to consider which is structured abrasives like the Trizac belts, require a slow speed or they se...

6 years ago
What Did You Do In Your Shop Today?

WARNING! Graphic content. Well, it wasn't today, it was yesterday and another great reminder that safety is #1 priority. Wire wheels are IMO ...

6 years ago
My Coal Forge

[quote name='Lin Rhea' date='29 July 2019 - 05:00 AM' timestamp='1564401651' post='25052'] It's sort of a choke point that is smaller with a particu...

6 years ago
My Coal Forge

Thank you Lin. All good advice to save for later. I have built more than a few masonry wood burning fireplaces and the ratio of chimney/flue area to h...

6 years ago
A Question About A Hamon

Pedro, somewhere on this forum is a treatise by ABS MS John White on Hamon production. I have it in an Adobe .pdf document. His technique has never fa...

6 years ago
Saddle Stitching Tutorial

This is awesome Tom. Even though I have been making sheaths for....well, a really long time, and have used everything from a Speedy Stitcher to a Tipp...

6 years ago
Axes Anyone?

[quote name='Joshua_Fikentscher' date='22 July 2019 - 11:44 AM' timestamp='1563821091' post='25016'] For what it's worth, i have been enjoying worki...

6 years ago
Journeyman Smith Contest

This sounds better every day! Where will the video story be available to watch as the whole process plays out?

6 years ago
My Coal Forge

I watched the construction of this and the shop build progress on FB. It's been quite the journey and accomplishment Lin. As I contemplate building...

6 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 878
My First Bowie

[quote name='BrionTomberlin' date='12 July 2019 - 05:20 AM' timestamp='1562934016' post='24953'] I think those are Nick Wheelers pin doming videos J...

6 years ago
My First Bowie

Have you watched Nick Rossi's pin doming videos? I'm pretty sure they are on the ABS YouTube channel. He runs through the entire process. Great vids. ...

6 years ago
Axes Anyone?

[quote name='Jason Volkert' date='11 July 2019 - 02:17 PM' timestamp='1562879841' post='24950'] Joshau That looks really cool to me! Tha...

6 years ago
Test Knife

Brian, Everything you need to know about the JS testing is here:br /> In the Guidelines it says that any handle configuration is acceptable. My...

6 years ago
Axes Anyone?

Well, I jumped into the fray a while ago and tried to follow Gerald's woodsman axe tutorial. I used mild steel for the body and a chunk of old leaf sp...

6 years ago
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