Joshua States
Joshua States
Joined: Nov 22, 2010
Topics: 81 / Replies: 1076
Salt Bath Vs Electric Oven

I'm very interested in hearing what experienced folks have to say about this. I have a Paragon oven, and have been using it for years. I have toyed wi...

5 years ago
Etching Low Layer Damascus Or San-Mai With Distilled White Vinegar Only

[quote name='AJ Paradis' date='05 November 2019 - 06:18 PM' timestamp='1573003094' post='25501'] I have a small single burner from a local departmen...

5 years ago
New Belt Grinders

FWIW, I bought a KMG in 2006 with a 2HP motor, and a VFD controller. Still use it to this day and the only problem I ever had was a static electric di...

5 years ago
Etching Low Layer Damascus Or San-Mai With Distilled White Vinegar Only

AJ, Tell us about your etch tank and the time spent in the vinegar. Also, what was the first step after removing the blade from the vinegar? If ...

5 years ago
What Did You Do In Your Shop Today?

Looking good Gilbert. Remember to wear the respirator when sanding that horn! Going slowly is OK. No, not just OK, it's a really good idea!

5 years ago
Ha Ha Hamon

[quote name='Karl B. Andersen' date='03 November 2019 - 04:12 AM' timestamp='1572779557' post='25481'] What is your steel, Joshua? This is 1095...

5 years ago
Ha Ha Hamon

I worked on another 2 small ones today. Liz said she liked the etching and the Hamon better than the straight 400 grit finish. So...….Still have som...

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 565
Bird & Trout

Thank you gentlemen. I think I will make this one of my standard models. It has enough room for minor variations in the handle profile (thin or wide, ...

5 years ago
Bird & Trout

With the show coming up in November, I figured I should finish another one of these. This one is Cable/1095 San Mai with 416 SS bolsters and stabilize...

5 years ago
What Did You Do In Your Shop Today?

That is a really nice Harmon on that Bowie Gilbert. It’s difficult to see the pattern on the hunter on my phone. I’ll have to check it again at ho...

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 563
Replies: 3
Views: 442
How Is Visual Temperature Training?

[quote name='Evan Cihak' date='25 October 2019 - 08:23 AM' timestamp='1572017022' post='25453'] Thanks Matt! I think my head just exploded. ...

5 years ago
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