Last seen: Jan 4, 2025
Thanks very much for this Ed, i never even thought about the torque to rpm equation. I've done just what you said and either got too near an edge or d...
I have done stipple on a few handles and i find that it does indeed improve grip markedly. Having only a dremel though and the model that doesn't all...
Hello mark, I haven't received any copies yet. I signed up and all, but then i got an email a week later i think saying that i wouldn't ...
Hello Ben, good to hear you caught the bladesmith bug. I rent my 100 pounder for 56 dollars a year which i find reasonable at this time. You might tr...
Hot diggity dog i find that very appealing! Looks fast and fun. Bill bagwellian feeling. Great job. Jesse
Thanks John, I figured if they all work about the same I'd just go grab some then. Ended up with a 1"x 12" round bar of 660 bronze. I got...
John that is a beauty. Is that silica bronze or phosphor? Or is there a big difference? It looks so much lighter of brighter than the stuff i have se...
Your welcome Jeremy, i love having those head slapping moments. They always make me approach my next project with renewed vigor and enthusiasm where ...
Hello Jeremy, This happens to me all the time and can't remember exactly where i picked this particular fix up, but it works for me so shar...
Very cool. I like that double scallop at the drop in front of the ricasso. Nice touch.
Looks great so far. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. It's always fun to watch a skilled smith moving metal. I liked when you lever t...
Holy lord that is nice. Super clean. I certainly enjoy your knives John.
hi again. so Ed would you suggest that 3/16 is a little too light of wall thickness for 2 inch by 18? I am currently using a one inch t-re...
Jeremy, Thank you for that extensive trouble shooting. Im not at home to measure just now but i know it's a2 inch I.D 316 stainless tube but only 3/1...