Jeremy Lindley
Joined: Jun 17, 2011
Topics: 34 / Replies: 273
Need Some Help With An Old Knife (Finished Pics Added)

Thanks, Cheyenne. I haven't started on it yet and no, there are no other markings on it other than Case XX and the numbers under it. Any info you migh...

12 years ago
Need Some Help With An Old Knife (Finished Pics Added)

Thanks everyone for all the good advice-I really appreciate it. Now to see if I can make it look decent again.... . Jeremy

12 years ago
Need Some Help With An Old Knife (Finished Pics Added)

Here are some pictures of the knife-just after she was done cutting up some salad fixings . Hope that make...

12 years ago
Need Some Help With An Old Knife (Finished Pics Added)

I don't know what the ridges are for and yes, they're along the whole blade on both sides. I'll see if I can get a pic with my phone and figure a way ...

12 years ago
Beginners Shopping List For Tools

Glad you saw this, Jim. Andrew, glad it looks like you've got a great opportunity to learn relatively close-I hear Jim's a pretty decent guy . J...

12 years ago
Beginners Shopping List For Tools

You might be in luck... I'll have to get in touch with the guy there and see if I can get him in touch with you. He hosts a hammer-in there in the s...

12 years ago
Beginners Shopping List For Tools

+1 for getting to someone's shop and/or taking a class. I was able to go to a few maker's shops and watch how they do things and pick their brains, w...

12 years ago
Fisher Anvils - Help Identifying

Wow-that thing has a fantastic face on it. I have an old ACME (Lin Rhea looked it up and I think he said it was made around 1907) and it wasn't in ne...

12 years ago
Salt Pot Pipe Question

Thanks for the information, I appreciate it. Jeremy

12 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 2811
Red River Bowie

Not that my opinion really matters, but wow do I like that handle material. I also really like the looks of the handle shape-knife overall looks real...

12 years ago
Shop Safety - Topic For September 2012

Tim- Thanks for the good info on fire extinguishers, I certainly didn't know the differences in the types of fires and how they were categorized. ...

12 years ago
Shop Safety - Topic For September 2012

Much the same for me: Respirator, leather apron, gloves, and I recently got a pair of safety goggles to replace my glasses I'd still get the occ...

12 years ago
Building A Shop - Advice?

I'm putting together my "shop" at the moment and I envy you a little-mine's just a walled off section of my garage . That being said, I've looked at,...

13 years ago
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