Jeremy Lindley
Joined: Jun 17, 2011
Topics: 34 / Replies: 273
Hi From Northern Michigan...

John! I was glad when I found out joining was officially done and really happy to see you on here now, as well. You already make some amazing stuf...

11 years ago
First Forge Welds

I was unsure if my forge was reaching welding temps and didn't have a thermocouple. So, I went to the pottery supply store and bought a box of pyromet...

11 years ago
Two I'm Working On

Sure, I have some from when I was installing it, but not finished. I'll try and take some later today as it is now and get them up. Ok, he...

11 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 2463
Webmaster And Membership Services Retirement Notice

I've never met you or wife, but have been very thankful for the work you do. And I only know a few of the things in what is a long list of responsibil...

11 years ago
Forging In A Residential Neighborhood?

Yup-I live in a neighborhood with what I'd consider a pretty active HOA. At some times I'd say too active... My house is on just under a half acre lot...

11 years ago
Great Knife Critique Opportunity At Spring Piney Woods Hammer-In

What a great opportunity. There really is something meaningful when you can have a great maker (not to mention several...) look at your knife and prov...

11 years ago
Sharpening Stones/ What Do You Prefer?

I have finally gotten to a point where I can use stones and get some decent results. For what seemed like a great majority of my life...I had a really...

11 years ago
Basic Bladesmithing Set Up - Topic For April 2014

[quote name='Teddy_Finesman' date='08 April 2014 - 05:24 AM' timestamp='1396959893' post='10292'] Thanks for all the great information. I am in the ...

11 years ago
Videos - Metal Inlay Techniques By Matthew Parkinson, Ap

Thanks so much for all the information, Matthew. It's very appreciated. Maybe I'll order me some gravers and give things a go. Jeremy

11 years ago
Videos - Metal Inlay Techniques By Matthew Parkinson, Ap

Matthew, thanks so much for taking the time to video your process and Dan, thank you for posting them here. I've wanted to try this for a while, but h...

11 years ago
Basic Bladesmithing Set Up - Topic For April 2014

^^^Some great advice given there. I don't have 220 available and it would certainly be nice. I also had to add in light since I walled off a portion o...

11 years ago
Basic Bladesmithing Set Up - Topic For April 2014

I look forward to hearing what others have to say. As for me, I'm a hobby maker and I think that can definitely play a role in what is considered more...

11 years ago
False Edge ?

[quote name='Anthony Stovall' date='28 March 2014 - 06:28 AM' timestamp='1396013327' post='10229'] Is there a down side to doing the clip before the...

11 years ago
Rockwell Hardness Target For 5160

I may not be the best guy to give advice, but since no one has answered's my $.02 You can go through the hardening process ...

11 years ago
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