Last seen: Feb 14, 2025
Jeremy, It's all part of that crazy learning curve! One thing that has been helping me create better proportion and "flow" (that's for you, L...
Jeremy, Very nice work! Beautiful wood, and I like the handle sculpting too. I do agree with Brion, more blade, less ricasso, and perhaps 1...
Brion, Thanks...After posting this question, I found some discussion elsewhere on the forum about this and a mention of "1/4" from the edge" bein...
I was just reading through this thread, and I was wondering how thin do most of you all flat grind the edge down to before sharpening or convexing? I...
Welcome ET! Great to have you here
Welcome Chris! Hope to see you at the Mid-America Bladesmith Expo in August! Ed
Cal, Welcome to the ABS and forum!Can't wait to see some pics of your work. About the damascus...have you ever tried welding up a bill...
Congratulations John!!! Welcome to the forum...
Welcome to the ABS, Pitt! Ed
Keith, I like that set-up. I've been finish sanding with the knife on paper as well because I get really sharp lines, but kept reading others we...
Never thought of that Great idea! Thanks again!
Did you use tubes as pin stock? What diameter? I really like that blade...Thanks again for the specs
Could I get the dimensions on that knife and the bar stock size? Just curious...I would love to make a similar piece
Just a thought I had driving down the road the other day: Do most of you all hand-finish by holding the blade and moving it along the abrasive (a...
Jonathan, Hi and welcome to the ABS! I'll give this a shot, but I'm going to try to stick to general guidelines and keep in mind this is just...