Last seen: Feb 3, 2025
Gary, Sorry for the late response but maybe I can still add a little to this discussion. In short, W1 can be a terrific knife steel, but within t...
To add to what John and others have said, a properly heat treated blade out of a simple "beginner" steel will be far superior to a poorly heat treated...
John, they both look great! Super clean and very well balanced aesthetically. But between the two I think I'm ever so slightly partial to the yang...
Thanks Dan. Seems like it was another great event. Really making me miss New England and all my bladesmithing buddies out there...
Aesthetically, I love to play with contrasts on my knives. Contrasts in color, and in texture, can really make a knife look bold and interesting. I of...
Scott, Photos of knives can be a good resource to help generate ideas and draw inspiration. You can find a hundreds of them on Jim Cooper's websi...
Wesley, I will echo Brian's comments about nickel silver, as it tends to tarnish over time and doesn't maintain the clean, bright look of stainless st...
Beautiful work! Those twin fullers are VERY nicely done.
That's an incredible story, Mike. It truly makes me proud to be a member of such a fine group, and I consider myself lucky to be able to call many of ...
I love it! An aggressive and purposeful design, visually appealing as well. The marriage of forms between the head and haft are a brilliant touch....
Very elegant design. Pretty ambitious for a first integral but from the pictures it looks like you pulled it off very nicely. Is the handle pinned thr...
Congratulations to all. I'm sorry I was unable to be there and see the knives and congratulate the makers in person but by all accounts the quality of...
They look great Erik. I really like how you incorporate the guard into your integral design on those bigger blades too. Very nicely done.
Dan, Let me also express my gratitude for all you've done. In addition to your superb work on the website, the newsletter, and all your other beh...
Wow! Karl, Nick, thank you both for those terrific tutorials. By the way Nick, the production quality of those videos is outstanding. Please thank...