Last seen: Feb 3, 2025
The way I've done it in the past is to fully seal the billet prior to forge welding. That is, once you make your sandwich, clamp it tightly in a vise ...
Going back to Mareko's question about selling points and pricing, it may be helpful to consider the customers' perspective, especially a newer custome...
Cool design, Gary. Nice lines
Wonderful line-up Lin. I've always loved your hunters, ever since the first time I saw one on your table at the Blade show all those years ago. Still ...
Hi Guillermo, and welcome. You're making some fine knives, and couldn't find a better teacher than Joe Keeslar. Every time I talk to him I take notes&...
Hi Guillermo, very nice work! You do the brut-de-forge style well - that hunter could almost be mistaken for a Keeslar! Your hidden tang brut-...
I've worked on a few Nimbas and they are truly among the nicest anvils you can find. Everyone I know who owns one loves it. Cast steel, in my opinion,...
One of my JS test knives had a lightly etched hamon and I received a passing grade by all of the judges. The most important thing is that the blade ha...
What were your heat treatment methods and why? What performance considerations went into your chosen blade geometry for this bowie? What is the ai...
OK yeah, upsetting from the bottom and the sides would work but you asked "is it worth it?" Since you're using damascus, I would say it's probably a b...
I haven't tried it, but with the dimensions you're starting with it might be difficult to get sufficient mass for your bolster. If you have 1.5 x .25 ...
Gary I had been thinking along the same lines. Cr forms large and complex carbides, which, at least intuitively, seems like it could be a contributing...
Dan, as I stated earlier, I had some questions, thoughts, and concerns that I wished to discuss with my peers in this setting before bringing anything...
Thanks again, Lin and Karl, for sharing your thoughts and perspectives. You both make excellent points and I won't argue with any of them. I suppose t...
I've heard a lot of comments beginning with "I can't imagine," "I don't think," or "I don't believe..." Guys you can believe whatever you want to...