Cindy Sheely
Cindy Sheely
Joined: Feb 7, 2010
Topics: 35 / Replies: 71
Spring Great Smoky Mountain Hammer-In

I am helping Butch out, he has a finished belt axe, like the one he will be demonstrating at the hammer in. Here is a picture. Let Butch know if you...

12 years ago
Arkansas Custom Knife Show 2013

Wow, they all did the ABS so proud. Butch and I congradulate you all.

12 years ago
8Th Mid-America Bladesmithing Symposium

Hi Guys, I am hoping that if there is anything from the store you want brought to the Mid American, to save your shipping costs, you will let me kn...

13 years ago
Tickets For Awards Banquet

Thanks for posting this Dan and thanks for all the time you spend on the ABS in so many ways. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the show ...

13 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 394
7Th Mid-America Bladesmithing Symposium

Hi All, I wanted to update everyone on the Mid America registration. We have 40 pre-registered, which is great, it will be a fantastic event. On l...

14 years ago
7Th Mid-America Bladesmithing Symposium

CAMPING AT THE MIAMI COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS FOR THE MID AMERICA Hi all, I received information on the camping at the Miami County fairgrounds from Ste...

14 years ago
7Th Mid-America Bladesmithing Symposium

Hi guys, I wanted to let you all know that Hawkins Knife Supply is pre-registered so sure to be there, make your list so you can save on shipping...

14 years ago
American Bladesmith Society Annual Banquet Auction At Blade Show

I have been to the bead shop today looking for inspiration to make a piece of jewelry for the Blade Show auction. I bought Red Coral, Blue Peruvian O...

14 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1510
Great Smoky Mountain Bladesmithing Symposium

Hi Rick, We usually have a gentleman video the sessions, however he was involved in an accident on the way to this hammer-in which prevented him fro...

15 years ago
American Bladesmith Society Store

Phil: Good to hear from you in Hawaii. You can pre-register for the New England Hammer-in that will be conducted in July in the Store when th...

15 years ago
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