It is going to be a great hammer-in, as always. I want you all to know that you can pre-register on the website or by calling me, Cindy Sheely, 419-8...
Hi all,I have 51 pre-registered for the event, should be a great turnout. All are welcome and you can register on site. I will shut down the registr...
Thank you for the kind words of confidence Dan. I will do my best and I know all the members will help me. I also want to thank Sally for all the w...
Yes, Tim will do a great job and do it with the usual Tim Potier enthusiasm. But please remember, he cannot do it alone. We need experienced volunte...
I have a thank you note from Chris and Deb Bethke for sending a card from the ABS, it reads as follows: “Thank you again for your thoughts and...
Here is an updated spreadsheet with the open items as of today, 11/20/13. I will update whenever there is a change. I have found many manuals on Dad...
Kyle, I will try to let Jim know to look for an email from you. I will do what I can to connect you.
Hi Phil, can I help?
[quote name='Russell Roosevelt' date='26 August 2013 - 10:46 PM' timestamp='1377571590' post='8159'] What a great hammer-in! An excellent gro...
We have an addition to the Mid America schedule, Master Smith Steve Dunn will be demonstrating engraving on Friday and Saturday. Here is a detailed s...
Fantastic knives were the outcome of this years battle. Nick Rossi retains his title. Congratulations Nick and all the contestants. The knives were gr...
It is the Battle of the Bladesmiths tonight. The stands are full and Jim Crowell, Herb Kettell, Matt Parkinson's and last year's champ Nick Rossi are ...
Phillip was the nicest gentleman, he attended all the hammer ins at Haywood and supported and promoted the ABS. He will be missed. I will send a symp...
Butch and I are keeping all affected in our prayers. So good to hear of the safety of those we know and as well as those we do not. There is also a...