cal harkins
cal harkins
Joined: Jun 15, 2013
Topics: 12 / Replies: 57
Making A Threaded Finial

Thank you for the tutorial. It helped me to understand the process.

5 years ago
Youtube Video Of My Photography Setup

Thank you so much Kevin for your video on simple knife photograpy. It was a big help.

6 years ago
Press Wip

looking forward to seeing what you do.

6 years ago
Grinder Wip

I look foward to seeing your WIP

6 years ago
Q And A

I am about to try to cut and shape my first fighter guard. Any ideas, tips, works in progress, etc will be appreciated.

7 years ago
Proportion In Handles And Guards

I am very interested in this. All this information would be helpful as I am trying to make knives to submit for Journeyman. Are there exact rules on t...

7 years ago
Opinions On Beaumont Grinders

We have one of the KMG grinders from Beaumont Metal Works. We are really happy with it. It is made well. Heavy all steel construction. We took the poo...

7 years ago
Basic Shop Equipment

A good grinder is fairly necessary. Harry and I built some grinders but unless you have a lot of metal working skill it would probably be best to buy ...

7 years ago
Rees Fitzpatrick Bowie

Totally awesome.

7 years ago
7 years ago
3-Finger Edc

Looks nice Josh!

7 years ago
A 9" Bowie In 1080, Sambar Stag And A D Lisch Style Spilt Ring Guard

I think it is beautiful!! The split ring guard looks great!

8 years ago
Spring Piney Woods Hammer-In, 2017

I agree with these men. It was a great hammer-in. Lots of great information passed on visually and verbally. I had the opportunity to meet some pe...

8 years ago
Video Ideas For The Abs Youtube Channel- Topic For April 2017

Thank you Karl for pointing out your series on Take Down Fighters. I appreciate you taking the time to video and edit this. I know it takes consider...

8 years ago
Video Ideas For The Abs Youtube Channel- Topic For April 2017

Here are some of the things that I think might be helpful to apprentice smiths like myself. Developing a handle pattern and executing that patt...

8 years ago
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