Thanks Keith. I would appreciate it very much. Sounds like a great venue for a show. Brion
Welcome Darrell. Good to have you here in the forum and in the ABS. I look forward to seeing more of your work, including your sculptures. Feel free...
Keith, this sounds like a blast. I have always wanted to see down under. I am going to seriously think about this. My wife and I would enjoy the holid...
Well said Keith and Kevin. I prefer forging because there are not limits, like steel size or thickness, for my designs. Plus it is fun. I like doing e...
Joseph, a lot will depend on the heat treating itself. Quenchant? Did the blade get as hard as it could? Was the blade brought to 1500 and held at tha...
So am I Landon. I will see you there. Brion
Edward, the steel could be 5160, could be 9260, could be 6150, you see what I am getting at. I would go ahead and make a blade out of it, heat treat i...
I will definitely second the vise and welder. Forgot about the vise and I could not live without it. The welder you can live without, BUT, it sure mak...
Devan, thinking about it. I have seen some nice knives done with just hand tools and a forge and anvil. For me however, I would have to have a good be...
Yep, Karl said it. Pretty much just homogenous 1095. No other steels in the mix, just 1095. Good luck Brion
Thank you Kevin. I also do not have much use for water quenching in my shop. Just too many variables and what ifs. I use parks50 for my 1084 and peanu...
Thank you B.R. I will see you and Carolyn in a couple of weeks. Brion
Hello Landon. Great to have you here. You survived the Blade show and you did good. I will see you at Branson. Brion
Welcome Sean, good to have you in the ABS and on the forum. Ask those questions and we will do our best to get you answers. Brion