That is great Dan. I love it. We have members here in Topeka at the Heartland Hammer-In from Texas, New Mexico, even Minnesota. Just amazes me these p...
Definitely congratulations Michael. Great work. Brion
Here is what I came up with Landon. It is a mix of different styles from the 1700's.I believe the blade was close to 13" with the handle being just un...
I applaud you wanting to take on this type of project Landon. A lot of pieces involved. It will test you and your patience, but they sure look good wh...
The higher the hamon is on the blade the more spring it will have to it. I have tested blades with different height hamons as Matt has and found the s...
Joseph I would look into what leather your sheaths are made of. Some leathers as Matthew says will rust a blade. I usually never store my knives in sh...
Matt thanks for the information. I also go only to 120 before heat treat and clean. Another thing is clay coating thickness. When I first started doin...
Very nice Eric. Love the overall shape of the knife. One lucky customer. Great work. Brion
Very cool pattern Ed. Great to see you back in the shop. I will be waiting to see what the blade will look like. And I love the sliding die on the air...
I use a water bath. For large knives I have an adjustable plate in it to vary how far the blade goes into it. So stick the blade in the water and leav...
I wish him good luck Gary. Will it be at the show or at your house? If he is willing, it can be a good learning experience for attendees. Brion
Way to go Zack. Congratulations! Now comes the fun part. Brion
Jared. I draw my tangs soft, to a grey. I would much rather have the tang bend than break. I do not see any issues with what you have planned. Brion
Jared, I usually just draw the tang and most of the ricasso on small knives. Since they are mainly used for slicing and not chopping. Except when the ...
Hello Craig and welcome to the forum and the ABS. Good to have you aboard. Brion