Russell, my forge runs at approximately 2350-2400 at welding heat. One thought, does this process only work well for similar steels? In other words, ...
Landon, I think it is fine on certain knives and certain fittings, think oriental style. But, you have to have the right customer. Personally, I would...
Okay, I made up a billet , 9 layers, of 1084 and 15n20. Fired up the forge, mine is venturi, and adjusted the mix for a reducing atmosphere. The bille...
Also thanks again. J.D. I was also wondering about your setup. Do you clean the steel or leave the mill scale on? Also, are you welding the sides with...
Thank you all. Both have been added to bookmarks. Some really nice work in both forums. Thank you again. Brion
Thank you J.D. and Bob. Great information and I will be trying this out. Welding without flux would be great, both for me and my forge. Thank you agai...
Thank you for the link Larry. Very nice. I have always been very interested in these methods. Brion
Very nice Joshua. I like it and would be proud to have that in my kitchen. Brion
Excellent video Kevin, and Dan thank you for posting this. Great advice on forging a difficult blade. One thing I will add, take your time and think a...
Serapiao it is. Welcome again. Brion
Very nice Robert. They will love them. Good work. They will be real cutters. Brion
Luis, welcome and it is great to have you here on the forum and in the ABS. Outstanding knives, I especially like the pearl? sendero style hunter on y...
Hello Toni and welcome. I look forward to seeing your work and post any questions you have. Welcome again. Brion
Depends on the file Devan. Some old American files like nicholson were made from 1095 or W2 and would make a good blade. Some new files are made in Ch...