Update to come later on Karl. It got done yesterday. I like it, big and beefy. Brion
Well lets get back to it. It has been a fun week what with cold temps, snow, and other things. I did change out the stag taper because the first one d...
I agree Dan. Lin is a pretty smart fellow. Good advice. I do not think I can add anything. Brion
Thanks again Ed. Watched them for the third time, great work. Some tongs are in my future. Great job editing Dan. Brion
Hello Russell. I am afraid it will. You can cold blue the blade after the final etch and then oil it and let it sit. Or do not clean the oxides off th...
Very nice Jason. I like it. The blade shape and handle look fine, stag is good, frame is good. The only thing that sticks out to me, and this is stric...
Well now that the blade is pretty much complete, we move on to the handle and guard assembly. I have decided to go with a half penny style guard in 41...
Congratulations David. I know you are having a good weekend. Brion
Looks like a good lineup and great demonstrations. I will be there for sure. I will also second Dan in that if you are planning to test for JS or MS i...
Welcome Rob. Good to have you on the forum and in the ABS. I look forward to seeing your work. Welcome again. Brion
Hello all. Today was etching the blade and then polishing. As stated the blade was hand rubbed to 1500 grit in preparation for the etch. ...
Thanks Dan. I really love those cloudy areas around the turnback. I was hoping the picture would show them. Brion
Time for another installment. I spent the day hand rubbing the blade. You know Aldo's 1095 when heat treated is kind of tough to hand finish. One thin...
Hello Cal. Yes this works well in gas forges. It evens out the heat so you do not get the hot spots. Takes a little while to heat up, but it is a good...