Hello Elden. The numbers are steel designations. The 10 series are plain carbon steel without a lot of alloying elements. The last two numbers stand f...
Definitely some nice work Eric. I will have to see them at Blade. Looking forward to seeing you again. Have a safe trip. Brion
Hello Elden. The best way is to get a chemistry done. Other than that you can do a spark test and see if the steel gives off complex sparks with a gri...
Great tutorial Lin. That should be standard material for the handles and guards class. I do basically the same method. Brion
Julious, thank you for insight on the class. I enjoyed following along. Just curious, is there any thing you would change? Or like to see? Brion
Yes, seems to be the consensus. I much prefer a nice hand rubbed finish. The only thing I use the buffer for is guard pieces sometimes and handles. ...
Thank you Nick and Dan. Great tutorial Nick. Brion
Welcome Elden. Good to have you here in the ABS and on the forum. Any questions we will try our best to answer. I am just down the road from you in No...
Julious please keep up the posting. Like Lin said it brings it back. Those first few days were tough but fun. It is good to see the class through some...
Thank you Kevin for all your and Patricia's work. I need to get in touch with them anyhow and will ask about these. Brion
Steve, I use the regular platen. Of course I have to resurface it every now and then. I do have a leather cover for it for special purposes. The KMG r...
Nice looking bowie Bob. As you found out you can get a hamon on 1084. Just does not the activity of W2 or 1095. Good work. Brion
Hello John and welcome. Good to have you here on the forum and in the ABS. I look forward to seeing your work. Welcome again. Brion
Great set of instructors Julious. Thank you for posting and keep us informed. It will get easier, or should I say less tiring as the week goes on. I a...