Joined: Dec 28, 2009
Topics: 66 / Replies: 1609
1080 Expectations.

Wesley, I would say that is not bad. One thing you mentioned microchips after cardboard. I would try raising the tempering another 25 degrees to 400. ...

11 years ago
Another Hand Sanding Video

Thank you Nick. After watching the video a phrase from the first Batman comes to mind, " Where does he get all those toys?". Great video. Keep em comi...

11 years ago
The Making Of Bowie No. 1 (A Work In Progress)

This is great Gary. Nice forging on the blade. I have tried making a Black style bowie and am still working on it, a lot of things to learn. I am look...

11 years ago
2014 Abs Master Smith Auction Knife

One thing I did forget to mention with everything that has been going on so far this year. I just want to say a big THANK YOU! to everybody that f...

11 years ago
Bowie For Charity

Looking at it more, I would have turned the handle around. Then make the spacer the same height as the ricasso. Then you can fair in the antler to a v...

11 years ago
Bowie For Charity

Hello Cal. Yes those critiques are pretty much right on. The trick is choosing the right handle material size and right size steel, although we can co...

11 years ago
Why Am I Having So Much Trouble Drilling Holes In Knife Tangs

Elden those blades from Jantz have hardened tangs too. Your best bet is a carbide bit. Jantz also has those. Brion

11 years ago
Forging A Large Bowie

Amen to that Lin. I could not have said it better. Brion

11 years ago
Knife Balance

Wesley, I think Lin is right on. My balance points are the same. One thing I will say is that balance and design go together. If you have a good desig...

11 years ago
2014 Atlanta Blade Show Knife Award Winners

Congratulations to all. I was able to see most of these knives. Well deserved awards. Brion

11 years ago
Forging A Large Bowie

Thank you Lin. Great explanation. Sounds very familiar. Brion

11 years ago
Hello From Ilinois

Welcome Wesley. That is a good looking knife. We will be glad to help, just ask any questions you have. Brion

11 years ago
Zaghnal - Ganesh's Blessing

Very nice Thomas. I like the modern twist on the indo persian theme. Well done. Brion

11 years ago
New Master Smiths And Journeyman Smiths For 2014

Good group guys, and some nice work. Congratulations! Brion

11 years ago
Hello From Arkansas

Welcome Chris. Good to have you here on the forum and in the ABS. As Dan says if you have any questions, ask away, we will do our best to answer them....

11 years ago
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