That is great Gary. A big learning experience there. Still have not finished my attempt. A lot of pins involved. Great work. Brion
A big thank you in advance Scott. The reports are great for new members, and older ones. Have fun, and keep an eye on that Wiggins fellow. Brion
Wesley, as Jason says, no stablization needed. Jason's advice about thinning from the back side is right on. One thing, do not get it hot. Go slow and...
Thank you Craig. Great wip, and great finished knife. Brion
Christophe, I usually go about .030 for my edges before heat treat on my steel. I leave the blade at 120 grit before heat treat. Brion
Thanks John, that answered my questions. It would be perfect for an everyday using knife. Probably going to add that to my guard options. Brion
Big congratulations to them both! Again. Very nice knives and a good test. Brion
Yep TK, each run of steel may be slightly different, one of those things we have to deal with. If I am using stock from a new batch I will do some tes...
TK as Gary and Karl say, there are a lot of variables. The right steel, which you are using. Then clay thickness, I usually go 1/16 or thinner. For th...
Very nice John. You really have a way with hunters. I am really liking the g10 guards. How well does it hold up compared to 416? Nice work. Brion
Thank you Mike. I cannot add much to that, but if anyone attending is planning on going for their JS or MS, the judging standards class is a definite....
Thanks Steve and Mike. Makes sense to me. Obviously I am going to have to do some experimenting with angling the plates slightly and some other adjust...
John, one thing for me, and this is just purely personal taste. I would like the blade to be a little more polished so it as not as dark. Just more wo...
Chiming in late here. John that is a great looking knife and the wood sets it off perfectly. Good work. Brion
I have to give another thumbs up for Al's press. It does not take up much space and can handle pretty near anything you would want it for. Plus Al is ...