Joined: Dec 28, 2009
Topics: 66 / Replies: 1609
Passing Of Houston Price

Very sorry to hear of this Dan. A big shock. Thank you for letting us know. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and the many friends. He wil...

10 years ago
Personal Knife

Lin, I do have a personal hunter I use. It is an older one, even marked JS. I also have a bowie, big spearpoint in 1095 and hard use. Even horse stall...

10 years ago
Opening The Foil Wrap

Since I regrind anyhow after heat treat, I do not use foil. Especially since I like hamons, just would not work. As for the thin wash of satanite, lik...

10 years ago
One For A Good Friend

Very nice Gary. I have a pretty good idea who this is for and he will love it. Excellent work. Brion

10 years ago
My Recent Chopper

I like it Kyle. That is a good looking knife and a serious chopper. Do I see some Jason and Adam influence there? Also congratulations on your perform...

10 years ago
Welcome To New Forum Moderator Master Smith Lin Rhea

Good to have you here Lin. Your blacksmithing knowledge will be a great addition. Thank you. Our value did just go up. Brion

10 years ago
Blade Steel Question

Johnny, 1045 would not be the best choice. With .45 percent carbon it is likely it would not get hard enough. However that being said I do know of on...

10 years ago
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy holidays. I hope everyone has a great holiday season and on to the New Year. Brion

10 years ago
Mosaic Layer Count?

Thank you Ed. That does make things clearer. Good question Gary. Brion

10 years ago
What Do You Use For Your Quench Vessel

Scott I probably do 90% of my quenching in the rectangular container. Just easier for me. Plus it is set up for edge quenches if I want to, and works ...

10 years ago
What Do You Use For Your Quench Vessel

Scott I use a bluing tank. It is four feet by six inches by six inches. Holds five gallons of parks. I think you can get them at Brownells. I also hav...

10 years ago
A Few Sheaths

Good looking sheaths Ed. I do like the pouch sheaths for hunters. Brion

10 years ago
Forged Knife Question

Some great advice Scott and I will go along with it. Do some grinding to take care of the area and learn from the experience. We all have scrap bucket...

10 years ago
Glad To Be Back

Glad to have you back in the ABS and on the forum Bobby. I look forward to meeting you in the future. We are glad to help. Brion

10 years ago
New Member From South Arkansas

Welcome Johnny. You will enjoy it. Good to have you in the ABS and here on the forum. Post your questions and we will try our best to answer them. Thi...

10 years ago
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